The womb is not just a physical organ, it is a powerful energetic space. This means that it is not necessary for you to still have a physical womb in order to connect to and heal it.
The womb space is the yin/receptive pole of the female body. Thus, as a receptive space, you can begin to understand why it stores energetic imprints – past relationships and lovers, emotional blocks, traumas, losses and pain.
As these energetic blockages build up, the womb can become a heavy, closed space. Over time the energy can become so blocked that physical symptoms begin to manifest in the body. Things like painful periods, heavy periods, endometriosis, cysts, infertility to name a few.
Using a variety of healing techniques, we begin to clear trauma and emotional blocks from the womb space. A Womb Healing Session not only addresses physical symptoms, but also supports emotional healing from past traumas as well as losses such as miscarriage, stillbirth, and abortions.
Womb Healing Sessions can help to restore your womb space to the healthy, juicy, magnetic space it is meant to be. The womb is your source of infinite power and creative energy. Through consciously connecting to your womb space you can begin to activate your gifts, voice, intuition, joy and sensuality.