We are busy moving through a very challenging time in earth’s history right now.
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There is SO much duality, polarity, pain and suffering and everyone has their own opinions on matters.
However much we think our opinions and beliefs are our own, they are actually a product of our environments and programming – through the words and actions of others that surround us, society and the culture we were born into.
The outer influences we have had in our life form our belief systems, our boundaries and how we engage with others and even ourselves.
We can be so tied to our beliefs and opinions – protective of them – that the thought of changing our minds is scary. We are willing to defend them to the death, because our entire identity is attached to that long held belief.
In his book The Four Agreements, Don Miguel Ruiz teaches how our worlds are all made up of labels, concepts, and beliefs. But they are all illusions, life is but a dream.
He explains how everything we do is based on Agreements we have made – with ourselves, with other people, with life itself.
Whenever we hear an opinion and believe it, we make an agreement, and it becomes part of our belief system.
Don Miguel Ruiz
The most important Agreements, however are the ones we make with ourselves. In these we tell ourselves who we are, how to behave, what is possible, what is impossible. Many of these are based on fear, they deplete our energy and diminish our self-worth.
These agreements often create needless suffering and rob us of our joy.
When we take a step back out of our stories – we realise WE are in authority over our own energy field and our emotions.
We can stand up in our power and thus in every moment we establish our sense of authority and our sense of choosing.
We are always free to change our minds and make different choices. Doing so is actually a sign of growth.
Imagine if babies said “No thanks, I’ll just stick to this crawling thing, walking isn’t for me” – change IS growth.
There are four powerful yet simple agreements that we can adopt as a powerful code of conduct to experience sovereignty, freedom, love and help us in accepting others.

The Four Agreements
1st Agreement: Be Impeccable with Your Word
“Speak with integrity. Say only what you mean. Avoid using the word to speak against yourself or to gossip about others. Use the power of your word in the direction of truth and love.”
Our words cast spells; they are literally creating our reality.
Are you creating beauty?
Are you creating the world you want to live in?
Would you like the words you are speaking to be spoken about you?
Is it necessary to speak, are your words adding value to the collective?
2nd Agreement: Don’t Take Anything Personally
“Nothing others do is because of you. What others say and do is a projection of their own reality, their own dream. When you are immune to the opinions and actions of others, you won’t be the victim of needless suffering.”
Can you stand in your sovereignty, and be free to express yourself authentically, regardless of the judgement of others.
Can you sit comfortable in the knowledge that everyone’s projections are based on their own programming, which has nothing to do with you?
3rd Agreement: Don’t Make Assumptions
“Find the courage to ask questions and to express what you really want. Communicate with others as clearly as you can to avoid misunderstandings, sadness, and drama. With just this one agreement, you can completely transform your life.”
This entails communicating clearly, without assuming others know or understand where you are coming from, or can read your mind.
Are you brave enough to ask questions, to find out more, to admit you may have been wrong, to change your mind?
This takes great strength of character, as your whole currently held identity may have to fall away.
4th Agreement: Always Do Your Best
“Your best is going to change from moment to moment; it will be different when you are healthy as opposed to sick. Under any circumstance, simply do your best, and you will avoid self-judgment, self-abuse, and regret.”
Like the seasons that are ever changing, we too move through our season in life.
Honour yourself in the phase that you find yourself in, and simply give your best from that space – whether it be 10% today and 80% next week.
Offer your best with honour and with a loving heart.
Guilt lowers your vibration – so stand in pride and honour of still having given your best, even if from a depleted place.
Prayer for Love
Thank You, Creator of the Universe for the gift of Life you have given me,
Thank You for giving me everything that I have ever needed,
Thank You for the opportunity to experience this beautiful body and this wonderful mind,
Thank You for living inside me with all Your Love and Your pure and boundless Spirit,
with Your warm and radiating Light.
Thank You for using my words, for using my eyes, for using my heart to share your love wherever I go.
I love You just the way you are and because I am your creation, I love myself just the way I am.
Help me to keep the Love and the Peace in my Heart and to make that Love a new way of life, that I may live in Love the rest of my life.
Amen.Don Miguel Ruiz, The Four Agreements
Join the next Virtual Red Tent, where the topic is The Four Agreements
Join Welcome – The Virtual Red Tent – December’s topic is The Four Agreements.
Join us as we explore how to remain in our centre, to take authority over our energy field and emotions.
This beautiful, nourishing Women’s Circle will include:
- Insights on this topic
- Meditations
- Womb Activation
- Sharing Circle
Connect to your authentic self, your power and your wisdom – and to other women.
Contact the-dess now to receive all the information for this Circle, happening on
Sunday, 3 December 2023